
Maximum Rollersports Member Code of Conduct

Published Fri 02 Aug 2024

By registering as; a member of Maximum Rollersports, a competitor or a any event or training session of Maximum Rollersports & its associated groups, you agree to the following code of conduct.

Maximum Rollersports Code of Conduct

All players please note, this is our home rink, treat it with pride. Any player causing malicious damage to ANY part of the arena, either on or off the rink (that includes smashing sticks on the boards or kicking the backing boards on the player bench) will be financially responsible for repairs & will also temporarily lose rink access privileges.


Everyone is welcome at Maximum Rollersports, period. We don’t tolerate any discrimination based on (but not limited to) sex, race, disability, age, or sexual orientation. It’s not who we are, and we won’t stand for it. We will maintain a space where no one feels threatened or intimidated.


The policy below outlines what we expect from everyone registered with Maximum Rollersports or spectating at Max Arena in terms of conduct - as well as a clear process for when conduct issues arise.


There are some cases where conduct issues may result in revocation of membership or being barred from the premises. We’ve clearly outlined below when this would apply.


Why do we mean by ‘misconduct’?


Misconduct includes, but isn’t limited to:

·       Unacceptable behaviour towards staff, players, coaches, referees, or spectators of Maximum Rollersports or Max Arena.

·       Any instances of harassment and/or bullying.


How any matter is dealt with is always at the complete discretion of Maximum Rollersports Admin or Max Arena Management.


What do we mean by ‘serious misconduct’?


Any behaviour or negligence resulting in a fundamental breach of our Code of Conduct that irrevocably destroys the trust and confidence necessary to continue the membership agreement is considered serious misconduct. Examples of offences that will normally be serious misconduct include serious instances of:

·       Theft

·       Physical violence or bullying

·       Deliberate damage to property

·       Deliberate acts of unlawful discrimination or harassment.




We will not tolerate any bullying at Maximum Rollersports. It creates an unsafe playing environment, causes team and individual relationships to break down, increases player absenteeism, disengagement, and people who are bullied can become distressed, anxious, and withdrawn. It’s a serious issue and we treat it as such.


We know that bullying can take place through several communication methods, including face to face, email, texts, and social media platforms. This policy therefore covers all methods of communication through which bullying can take place.


This policy also applies to behaviours that occur:

·       In connection with Maximum Rollersports or Max Arena, even if it occurs outside normal operating hours;

·       During games, for example, when dealing with opponents;

·       At Max Arena related events and functions, for example, Max Cup; and

·       On social media platforms.


The following are some examples of direct bullying:

·       Abusive, insulting, or offensive language or comments;

·       Violent, aggressive, or intimidating conduct;

·       Belittling or humiliating comments;

·       Victimisation; and

·       Practical jokes or initiation.


The following are some examples of indirect bullying:

·       Unjustified criticism or complaints; and

·       Spreading misinformation or malicious rumours.


The above examples aren’t an exhaustive list - they’re indicative of the type of behaviours that may constitute bullying.


Staff and team captains roles


Max Arena staff and Maximum Rollersports team captains have an important role to play in terms of fostering a culture that does not tolerate or encourage harassment, bullying, or violence. If you are a staff member or team captain, you should be committed to ensuring that you do not engage in any of this conduct.


As a team captain, you set the standard for your team/s. This means ensuring you do not engage in this conduct and your team/s understand: this policy, how to report any issues, and the consequences of this conduct. If you observe any harassment, bullying, or violence, you should stop it, warn the person or people involved of the consequences, and contact Max Arena for support.


We expect all players and spectators to:

·       Not to engage in, aid, abet or encourage harassment, bullying or violence;

·       To behave in a respectful manner; and

·       Treat others at Max Arena with courtesy and respect.


What to do if you’re experiencing bullying, harassment, or violence within the Maximum Rollersports community or at Max Arena?


If you make a complaint of bullying, harassment, or violence it will be taken seriously and will be dealt with in a confidential manner (except where it’s necessary to disclose information to properly deal with the complaint). You will not be victimised or treated unfairly for making a complaint. If the claim is found to be substantiated, we’ll act in accordance with our Disciplinary policy. Note that any false complaints will result in disciplinary action under the Disciplinary policy.


If you wish to make a complaint about bullying or harassment, contact Maximum Rollersports admin. You may also discuss any such issue with your team captain at any time.
