
Maximum Rollersports

Drop-In Inline Hockey

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$15.00 per session
$45.00 all sessions
Aaron Brookes, Belinda Brookes, Matthew Beky

Open Drop-In Inline Hockey, Thursdays 8pm till 9:30pm.

Bring a light & a dark jersey & lets play some puck.

$15 per player (inc goalies), min Cat3 SkateAus Membership Required.

Nomination for these drop-ins are non refundable or transferable.

We need full attendance to each of these, if we want Drop-In to return full time, in Term2.

We would like to have 18 people at these drop-ins, 2 x Goalies & 2 teams with 2 lines each.

If we do not get the attendance required, we will have to raise the price to cover costs.

Pre Payment either via credit card or bank transfer is required, cash will not be accepted at the venue.



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